Letter from Afar - 6, Oct

L e t t e r    F r o m    A f a r

(Est. 1992)


No.  25   -  Thursday, December 29, 2005


Personal bulletin of Iraqi poet Anwar Al-Ghassani

News, ideas, thoughts, reflections and workshop report


(LFA is a private letter sent to friends only. If at any time, for whatever reason, you want to be removed from my mailing list, please do not hesitate to notify me. If later you want to resume receiving the letter, please notify me and I will be pleased to add you again to the list. Thank you.)


Dear friends,

This letter informs about my ongoing literary and academic production, activities and events until the end of July 2006. The annex includes some highlights of my recent stay in Germany.

In addition to being an informational medium, this letter is also a planning and organization instrument and a register of finished, ongoing and forthcoming work and projects. It is meant to be a flexible reminder and memory support and not a formal plan with rigid deadlines and determinants.


My best wishes for all your festivities and celebrations.

A happy and successful New Year. 


Thanks for your friendship.


Best wishes,


Anwar Al-Ghassani



University of Erfurt, Germany, one of the oldest and youngest German universities. It was founded in 1392, shutdown in 1816 and reopened in 1995.

The photo, taken in October 2005, shows the modern university library, the cafeteria. On the

Right (white building) a partial view of the Faculty of Philosophy where I worked. The photo does not

reflect the full beauty of the campus on those sunny and transparent October days. This western side

is open and free. The green space in foreground is only a strip of a huge wonderful empty space that extends backwards up to the avenue leading to downtown Erfurt.




1. Homelands, Peoples, Places

2. The Proactive Self, Growth & Learning     

3. Literary Production Projects      

4. Academic Production Projects      

5. Publishing, Website, Promotion      

6. Travels, Invitations & Conferences 2006     

7. Family    

8. Final Words

9. Annex




1. Homelands, Peoples, Places


Iraq: Another ten to fifteen years of the same?


Although we make all efforts to tell them the truths that should benefit them in the first place, they never stop accusing us of things they fabricate in their perverse fantasy and disseminate world-wide through their obedient and evil big media. Here are some of those truths:


1. We repeat and repeat that we Iraqis are people of culture. We follow the principle of respecting all other peoples and their cultures. We love and respect the hardworking and decent American people and appreciate and admire the American culture, and that our total or partial disapproval of all or some policies of the US administration should not be used to create lies and to accuse us of being anti-Americans by nature.


2. Even without the occupation of Iraq by Coalition armies, Iraq has multiple problems and Iraqis may resort to violence and kill each other. It is true that Iraqis have to learn how to co-exist with each other.

However, despite all that, currently the occupation is the main problem in Iraq.


3. The US and its coalition partners should understand that it is now too late for “cut and run” tactics. They cannot leave Iraq even if they wanted to. They should seek the approval of all Iraqi parties and groups to extend their stay and give themselves the opportunity to work with Iraqis to overcome the chaos they themselves have created since April 9, 2003. They have to cooperate with the Iraqis and elaborate a plan for this purpose. The plan should also envisage ways for compensating Iraq for the enormous human and materials losses.

The Coalition armies, the occupying power, created the current chaos because of their scandalous incompetence and/or because of their hidden agenda. They are responsible according to international law to help eliminate the current chaos. Only when they have complied with this responsibility they should be allowed to leave.



This is not fantasy. This is practical politics.




The next 3-6 months will determine where Iraq will be heading to. Frequently, the whole situation in Iraq resembles a tragic and bloody farce. How many interpretations are out there for the magic word “democracy”. Sometimes Iraq seems not to be ready for democracy. Almost every political party has its own interpretation of democracy. Insurgents, resistance fighters, terrorists, warlords, foreign agents, local gangs and mafia, organized crime are all constructing their safe havens “democratically” and destroying the country´s unity. They all pretend to be the true representatives of their closed areas where they want to establish their own republics, including a theocratic one in the south.


The other misunderstood concept is “federalism”. Basrah wants to be independent under federalism because the political mafia is intoxicated with the smell of oil; the Kurdish warlords are running around with the flag of their unannounced state. Why this flag you may ask, well, they say, they are preparing themselves just in case things go wrong elsewhere in Iraq – pure opportunism and disregard of the solidarity and the many sacrifices of all Iraqis in support of the national rights of Iraqi Kurds throughout decades of modern Iraqi history. They find it acceptable to turn their backs to the suffering of other Iraqis in this tragic hour of Iraqi history.


Until now and despite the scandalous constitution that favors the creation of a theocracy in Iraq, there is no effective power sharing formula. Current leaders of Iraq are a bunch of  infantile egoists. Each one wants to have a state according to his vision. In a multinational country like Iraq, how can you build a modern functioning state with such people.


Until now Iraq has no visionary politicians and no inspiring leader a la Nelson Mandela. No wonder that in a recent poll 51 per cent of Iraqis thought Iraq needs a strong man.


It is unlikely that the Coalition will follow the polls and free Saddam Hussein and let him be the “democratically” elected president of Iraq so that he can put the house in order and  reign over the chaotic and bloody republic we now have. But what would the Coalition do if zealous leaders exploit religious feelings and use their majority in parliament to declare – democratically - Iraq as a theocratic state.


Such is the current misery of Iraq. I personally think that many direct and indirect players in the Iraqi game would love to maintain Iraq unstable. I do not think that Iraq will become a theocracy, but I do expect that we will have more of the same of what we have been getting since April 9, 2003, chaos and violence, for the next ten to fifteen years until all the quarreling factions get exhausted and realize that they are damned to live together, until wisdom descends on the stubborn heads of the representatives of the current political class. In others words, after the bloody journey they will return to the starting point. 

But if this will be the inevitable result after years of mutual killings, why don´t these people, leaders and the mob on the streets, just understand this simple fact and reach an accommodation now while they are still at the starting point?

The answer: human stupidity.


Note: during the past few days, thousands of Iraqis have been demonstrating in Iraqi cities calling for national unity and territorial integrity of Iraq. This is a promising development.



2. The Proactive Self, Growth & Learning     




The more I learn to accept passionately and willingly the others as they are and to give advice only if I am asked to, the more I discover the beauty of interpersonal relations and the vast wealth an another human being represent. This soft “control”, in fact, the expansion of myself, brings richness and unlimited options and opportunities. At times, I get “lost” and do not know what to do with so much beauty and value. Of course, my poetry needs beauty and is capable of processing it. Poetry needs such depth to become readable and worthwhile.

But, above all, I am aware that such discovered and acquired richness (interiorized and made one´s own) contributes to self-improvement, to the idea: love is limitless and you are on the right way towards more love.


In eternal opposition


Sometime during this year I came to realize that throughout my life I have been applying the principle of eternal opposition to almost everything established as fixed and constant organization and think model in human life, particularly in politics. For instance, a party is an organization. The moment it is launched it becomes an establishment and a thing of the past and should be changed. In fact, everything in human life should be subject to  permanent change to keep pace with life.

Thus, applying this principle to Iraqi politics, I would say that I am in opposition to everything called politics. However, this does not exclude appreciating good achievements provided that we understand that even these achievements must be subject to change the moment they are put into practice. 

Poetry is nonconformist by its very nature. It is probably the most liberal, anti-dogmatic, flexible, concrete and pro-freedom of all arts. Also in poetry and as a poet, to be in eternal opposition to everything established is, I believe, the soundest position to assume.



3. Literary Production Projects      


Note: the projects mentioned and discussed here are the main and/or the most urgent ones because of deadline considerations. Minor projects are not mentioned.


Literary Writing


Main Projects


German Poems


Definition /Language /Deadline

Poems about Germany and poems with German themes and setting written in English.

Language: English.

Deadline: February 2006



I have made much progress during the past few months in completing this collection. I have negotiated with BookSurge Publishers, an online publishing division of Amazon.com, the publication of the collection as a book-on-demand, an interesting way to escape the dictatorship of the Mafia of conventional book publishers.  

I am also considering a translation to German immediately after finishing the English original.


Iraq-II Collection


Definition /Language /Deadline

Poems about Iraq with strong reference to the current situation in Iraq.

Language: Arabic.

Deadline: July 2006



The time for writing this work has finally arrived. I have already written few poems for this collection. I expect to have a collection of about 100 pages.



Secondary Projects


Essay: The Miracle of Medellín – Impression from the XV. International Poetry Festival of Medellín, June 24 – July 2, 2005 


Definition /Language /Deadline

Essay about my participation in the Festival.

Language: Spanish.

Deadline: June 2006.



Unfortunately, I was unable until now to write this essay, a 2005 project. I am moving it to 2006. I hope to finish it until June 2006.


German Diary A Posteriori


Definition /Language /Deadline

Diary entries and thoughts about my Sept.-Dec. 2005 stay in Germany. I already have some entries written during my stay, others will be added a posteriori. I will insert these entries in my Blog. Later, I intend to publish the diary as a separate work.

Language: English.

Deadline: January-July 2005





Declaration of Iraqi Poets About Iraq


Definition /Language /Deadline

A declaration about the current situation and the future of Iraq.

I am trying to get two other Iraqis poets to sign the declaration with me. If I do not succeed I will write it, sign it and distribute it as a one-man declaration.

Language: English.

Deadline: February-March 2006.





Anthology of Modern Iraqi Poetry


Definition /Language /Deadline

Anthology of modern Iraqi poetry. Selected poets. Editors: Anwar Al-Ghassani and Mouayed Al-Rawi. There is a fair possibility for publishing the anthology in Costa Rica and Argentine simultaneously.

Language: Spanish

Deadline: May 2006.





4. Academic Production Projects     

Note: the projects mentioned and discussed here are the main and/or the most urgent ones because of deadline considerations. Minor projects are not mentioned.


Main  Projects


CICM – Contemporary Iraqi Culture And Media


Definition /Language /Deadline

Research project 2005-2006. This is my research project at the University of Costa Rica.

Language: Spanish.

Deadline: Dec. 31, 2006.



The project is at the end of its first year. It will be continued and finished in 2006.


Secondary and Forthcoming Projects


- Writing a proposal for a new research project (2007-2008), probably on new communication forms, types and genres of the new media on Internet platform.

Another idea – still vague – is to explore communication procedures on Internet from a theoretical computer science perspective.

- Writing a proposal for my next sabbatical leave project in 2007. Probably this project will be in the general area of interaction between new media, multimedia, Internet and poetry/literature.


5. Publishing, Website, Promotion      


The Publishing Drama


- Online publishing for poets

BookSurge.com, an Amazon.com company, is offering poets a package for publishing their books online as books-on-demand. In average, the inclusion of a book of ca. 100 pages in BookSurge system costs the poet around $849. If the poet is lucky and there is demand for his book he may be able to recuperate his investment and may even make some additional money through royalties .

I have already negotiated with BookSurge the publication of my German Poems. If the experiment succeeds, I will publish more poetry books with them.


Recent And Forthcoming Publications (a selection)


Al-Ghassani, Anwar (2004): Two Poems. In: Hadad, Lotfi, editor (2004): Anthology of Contemporary Arabic Literature in the Diaspora - Vol.1. Beirut: Dar Sader Publishers, 64-71. (Arabic)


Al-Ghassani, Anwar (2005): Embellecimiento después de mi nacimiento en Ur. San José: Editorial Lunes: Literatura Digital. Colección Casa de Poesía 2005. (Spanish)

Al-Ghassani, Anwar (2005): Tres poemas. In: Revista de Poesía Prometeo (Medellín, Colombia), No. 71-72, año XXIII, 2005 (Memorias del XV Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín 2005), 212-216. (Spanish)


Al-Ghassani, Anwar (2006): Hyperautobiographies on The Web – Definitions, Related Genres, Hyper-Scripting. In: Vega Jiménez, Patricia, compiladora, (2006):

Encrucijadas de la Comunicación Social. Terceras Jornadas de Investigación, 9-12 de mayo 2006. Serie Identidad Cultural Latinoamericana. Editorial Universidad de Costa Rica (English/Spanish, forthcoming, May 2006).



Al-Ghassani Network & My Portal    


As in the past, I have little time to dedicate to my website: http://al-ghassani.net

I try to maintain and update it as time permits.

Two recent highlights:

The first, the photo marquees on the opening page is attracting attention. Whenever there is an event, I create a photo marquee and upload it. The previous marquee is added to a list of previous marquees that can be accessed from the first page. Please have a look at the current marquee featuring photos from a get-together with Arab and German friends at a restaurant after my poetry recital in Leipzig on December 6.

The second, the new subdomain: http://iraq.al-ghassani.net

Dedicated to my current research of Iraqi culture and media. I am working to add more info and documents to this subdomain.


Promotion & Public Relations  


Poetry needs promotion and public relations to bring its content, message and effect to the general audience, but I feel terrible about doing such work that demands time and dedication. As a poet, I am not willing to invest time I need for writing in “announcing” my work.

Of course, visibility and public attention are important, above all – at least as far as I am concerned – in getting your poems published. Visibility yes, but not at any price. It is not unusual to see poets almost begging to be included in recitals and other public appearances. This has never been my style. I avoid such activities as far as I can, but it is not always possible to avoid them completely. Of course, I am grateful to the wonderful people who attended my December 6 recital at the University of Leipzig, but I still believe that the best reception would be through reading in private and not through my reading in public. (See some recital-related photos at the opening page of my website:

http://al-ghassani.net  )


I hope that when my German Poems are published by Booksurge.com and included in their promotion system this would help to make my work reasonably visible.


6. Travels, Invitations & Conferences      




This year was remarkable. I participated for the first time in two poetry festivals, in Costa Rica: the IV. International Poetry Festival of San José, and in Colombia: the XV. International Poetry Festival of Medellín, June 24 – July 2, 2005.


I had two important trips, the first to the Colombian festival, the second to Germany where I had a research stay (Sept. 23 – Dec. 19) and worked on my project on contemporary Iraqi culture and media.




- Participation in May in the Research Week at my School of Mass Communication

  Sciences (ECCC), University of Costa Rica.

- Participation in the XVI. International Poetry Festival of Medellín, around July, 2006.

- Vacations in Germany – July 2006.




- Sabbatical leave – first half of the year. I hope this can be combined with a stay in

  Germany to do the academic sabbatical leave project and at the same time to work on a

  literary project (finishing a poetry book) using a grant from a foundation promoting

  literary production.

- Participation in the 27th World Congress of Poets, Sept. 20-26, 2007, Romania

  (following a kind invitation from my dear friend Romanian poet and WCP president 

  Dorin Popa)



7. Family    


My family in Costa Rica is doing well.


After my return from Germany on Dec. 19, we are again united: my wife Ana Mercedes, Manuel Salam, Munira Cristina who came back for short vacations from Mexico on Dec. 17. We will be together until Munira returns to Mexico after a couple of weeks to finish her year of specialization.


My family in Iraq is doing well as far as the current difficult conditions permit.


I have many family members in Iraq, a brother and two sisters and their children. They live in Kirkuk in the north, in Baghdad, and in Al-Imara, in the south.

I received many phone calls and photos in recent days from my brother and many nieces and nephews. It was a beautiful experience to talk to so many young people whom I have never met and who only know me as their faraway uncle.

It looks like we are ushering a new era in our family relations after all the past years of political turbulence and lack of communication. I am hopeful that despite the current difficult situation in Iraq, the coming months and years will bring us closer to each other.


Reunion in Berlin or San José


I am already thinking of organizing a family reunion in July 2006 or later either in Berlin or in San José. I expect that of the dozens of persons that comprise now our family in Iraq some will be able to travel to participate in the reunion. I will soon start making contacts and explore options.


8. Final Words    


What else?


Life goes on, a mixture of joy, pain, hope and suffering. To this beauty and wealth poetry and the arts adds more, not of the same, not by copying and not even by interpreting life but rather by keeping us trying to create, on the basis of life itself, cultural values of beauty that give life a human, broader and deeper meaning.

This will always be what art aspires to.

Life goes on, so our projects, plans and work, always towards that superior meaning and a more civil and richer inter-human life.

But in midst of this joyous creation there will always be those moments when you will pause and feel that inexplicable and mysterious pain and you would say: oh, why, why.

That is the sign for not being able to achieve completion and fulfillment, that will always remain an unattainable goal. That is in the nature of being alive. Between joyous creation and the enigma of that slight ambiguous pain is the region of what is vulgarly called “happiness”.

Then, on the next days, life will continue again, Life goes on, always and endlessly.


With my best wishes,

Anwar Al-Ghassani


9. Annex


Highlights From My Research Stay in Germany


The following highlights, though relevant, do not cover all the expanse of diverse and rich information, knowledge and experience I gained during my recent stay in Germany. They should be considered as illustration examples.


Thanks to a generous grant and permission from  the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the University of Costa Rica, I worked as guest researcher at the  Universität Erfurt from Sept. 23 to December 10. I returned to Costa Rica on Dec. 19.

During my stay I worked at the Lehrstuhl Kommunikationswissenschaft/ Mediensysteme/ Kommunikationskulturen (LKMK) of the Universität Erfurt. I lived mainly in Berlin and shuttled between Berlin and Erfurt. I also undertook several trips to Leipzig, Dresden and Neuruppin.


I worked on behalf of my Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación Colectiva (ECCC) of the Universidad de Costa Rica within the framework of my research Project on contemporary culture and media in Iraq.



My main assignment was to collect information and materials about the subject matter of my research, make contact and talk to German faculty and researchers, explore the opinion and thinking of Iraqi intellectuals residing in Germany and establish contacts with Iraqi institutions of culture and media.




Many wonderful people supported me during my stay in multiple ways. The list is long but I would like to point out to the contribution of Prof. Dr. Kai Hafez, head of the

Lehrstuhl Kommunikationswissenschaft/ Mediensysteme/ Kommunikationskulturen (LKMK) of the Universität Erfurt who gave the first approval for my research stay and generously permitted me to work in his office and use his hand library. During my stay  he was on assignment at the University of Oxford, UK. Invaluable and kind was the organizational and operative support of my dear colleague MA Carola Richter of the Lehrstuhl as well as the help I always received from Mrs. Annett Psurek, the Lehrstuhl secretary. 


My special thanks to Prof. Dr. Joachim R. Höflich, who kindly invited me to talk to his students about mobile communication and to Dr. Maren Hartmann with whom I had a productive conversation about the perspectives of cooperation between the Lehrstuhl and our Escuela de Ciencias de la Communicación Colectiva. We want to stay in contact and explore further cooperation opportunities.


During my visits to Leipzig, I was fortunate to have the unlimited support of my dear friend MA Atef Botros of the Orienlatisches Institut at the Universität Leipzig. Atef is a candidate to doctor and expert on the reception of Franz Kafka in the Middle East. He tirelessly organized contacts and meetings that benefited my work enormously, and last but not least organized with the friends from the Verein Arabischer Studenten und Akademiker (VASA) my poetry recital at the Orientalisches Institut on Decemebr 7.

I also had the opportunity to again meet his wonderful family.


I would also like to express my special thanks to VASA members: Aiman Mubarak, Dr. Omar Kamil, Walid Abd El Gawad, Najat Abdelhaq Effenberg and Nazar Saeed for their kind reception and generosity.  

My dear friend Dr. Omar Kamil benefited me enormously with his analysis of the situation in the Middle East and his personal experiences.


In addition, I like to thank my dear friend poet Dr. Adil Karasholi for the reception at his cosy home in Leipzig and the rich conversation about the Middle East, poetry, Syria and Iraq.

I am grateful to my friends Horst and Lenore Grothe who not only received me in their beautiful home in Wuthenow but drived me as far as Teetz to search for books in the “largest bookshop for used books in the whole state of Brandenburg”.

My special thanks to architect Sabih Al-Hamdani of the Iraqi Al-Rafidain Culture Club in Berlin and Dr. Kadhim Habib who were instrumental in organizing the Forum of Iraqi intellectuals in Berlin.


Last but not least, my deepest thanks to my lifelong friend poet Mouayed Al-Rawi and his wife writer Fakhriya Salih in Berlin for their extreme generosity and invaluable overall support. During my long and frequent discussions with Mouayed I benefited enormously from his vast knowledge, sharp analysis of the Iraqi situation, his sense of uncompromising realism and from his unlimited friendship.


Selected Activities and Events


Of the host of activities related to my research, I would like to underline three activities:


- Talk on Nov. 9 about mobile communication to students of  Prof. Dr. Joachim R. Höflich at the Lehrstuhl Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Erfurt, following a kind invitation by him.


- Talk/lecture on Dec. 6 about my research to an audience of faculty and students at the Lehrstuhl Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Erfurt.


- Forum of Iraqi intellectuals at the Iraqi Al-Rafidain Culture Club in Berlin on Dec.11. The eight participating intellectuals discussed a number of issues: interaction between politics, culture and media in Iraq; Iraqi democracy, Iraqi identity and the current violence in Iraq.

The discussion was frank, thorough and well-organized. Almost four hours of discussion were recorded on tape.


Shipping Materials and Books


At the end of my stay, it took me several days to ship by surface mail the materials, books and the research archive.


Primary Assessment and Research Reports


The research stay was dense, rich in information, activities and knowledge. With few exceptions, all planned goals and objectives were achieved.

During January 2006 I will write and submit two reports about my work in Germany, one to DAAD with a copy for the Lehrstuhl, a second for the Dean of my Escuela de Ciencias de la Communicación Colectiva (ECCC) and a third for the Research Commission of the ECCC.


Dr. Anwar Al-Ghassani
Iraqi Poet
Professor of Journalism, Computer-mediated Communication & Internet 
School of Mass Communication Sciences
University of Costa Rica

Post Address:
Apdo 823,
2050 San Pedro Mts Oca,
Costa Rica

Phone: 506 234 0813, 506 283 9773 (home)       
Mobile: 506 375 5011
Fax: 506 292 7136 (home)

Websites of Al-Ghassani Network:

http://al-ghassani.net (Official Personal Portal of Anwar Al-Ghassani)
http://manuel.al-ghassani.net (Website of Manuel Salam Al-Ghassani) 
http://internet-center.al-ghassani.net (Internet Center Munira Sayyed Tahir)
http://iraq.al-ghassani.net (Research Project: Contemporary Iraqi Culture And Media)
http://academia.al-ghassani.net (Academic Activities At The University of Costa Rica)
http://literature-arts.al-ghassani.net (Iraqi, Arab And International Poets, Writers, And Artists)
http://al-ghassani.net/blog (official blog)